Tuesday 5/16: Concentrations Exit Interview Prep and Final Revisions
Day 8: 5/16/2023 5 hours (12:00-5pm) 45 hours total Today, I’ve been mostly preparing for my upcoming Concentrations exit interview tomorrow as well as doing a bit of preemptive practice for the June ACT test after graduation. It seems a bit jumpy and excessive for senior spring, but that’s just how far ahead you have to plan for standardized tests and what is academically to come next for me. Anyway, as I go into tomorrow and the last key step of the Academic Concentrations program, I’m thinking about how to reminisce but not regret the amount of time, dedication, and resources I put into my project over the course of two years. Besides research and analysis skills, I already pretty much achieved most of the competencies for the Capstone requirements over the summer after Junior year and through the middle of Senior year, though the ultimate guiding question persists. Does or doesn’t globalization and the increasingly interconnectedness of the world hinder/preserve the health an...
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