Thursday 5/11: French Exam, German Up Next, and Concentrations paperwork


Day 4: 5/11/2023

6 hours (8:00am-12:00pm, 1-3pm)

4 hours AP Exam, 2 hours writing Concentrations essay

22 hours total

After four arduous hours going through multiple portions of the elaborate and brain-drain of a test that is the AP French exam, I’m now one exam away from being officially finished with my  actual academic calendar (regarding an overflow of AP courses) for highschool. As long as I can keep my head above water with the AP German exam tomorrow, which, given my slight advantage with heritage, I think I can, I’ll be all set to completely center my attention on the rest of the Concentrations process by the end of tomorrow. The French exam definitely took a heavier burden on my brain as it relies on so much complex vocabulary, grammar, expressions, mere exam components (multiple choice to writing to oral conversation), so it’s a gift to finally be finished with my most laborious task of the year. After getting out of my exam seat, I quickly ran to lunch, decompressed a little, and got right to work on my Concentrations essay. Since I’d been testing for hours on end by the time I sat down to write, I easily got the creative juices in my argument composition flowing, and am coming up to my halfway point, with a very light rough draft and some citations needed to be done. Over the last two days of the week, tomorrow and Saturday, I plan to finally nail down a solid draft of the AC paper to turn in with my 

annotated bibliography and narrative reflection. I’ve got a lot of writing on my plate, but hopefully it’ll be the last real push…


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