Weekly Reflection 1: 5/8-5/13


Weekly Reflection #1: Reflecting on my week writing an analytical paper about globalization's impact on the developed world, it was clear to me that this is a complex and multifaceted issue. I encountered a range of different viewpoints and arguments as I researched and analyzed this topic, which definitely challenged me to think critically and evaluate evidence in order to form my own conclusions. One of the key takeaways from my experience writing the essay throughout each hour of each day this week was the importance of considering multiple perspectives when analyzing a complex issue like globalization. It is essential to consider the diverse experiences and viewpoints of different groups of people AND echelons of a society, including those who are most affected by the impact of globalization, such as workers, consumers, and local communities. This required careful research and extensive analysis throughout every minute spent on my screen, as well as an open mind and a willingness to engage with diverse opinions. 

Another important lesson from this experience that I took was the need for critical thinking and a rigorous search for truth when examining perhaps more abstract concepts like globalization and language compared to concrete ones like economics and politics. This meant carefully crafting detailed arguments layered on piles of evidence in order make the overall gist of my point more clear. Of course, that also meant an awareness of the limitations of my own knowledge and perspective, and a desire to consider alternative viewpoints and facts that might challenge my own assumptions about the linguistic trends in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Austria. 

In addition to the lessons mentioned above, another important aspect of writing an analytical paper about globalization's impact on the developed world’s language dynamics is the process of seeking out help and guidance from teachers and professors. It was pretty helpful to reach out to people like my grandmother and Erik Cole-Johnson for advice on finding sources, developing arguments, and refining your writing. This ensured my paper to be well-researched, well-argued, and well-written, and that it met the expectations of my assignment and completion of the Concentrations program. In the meantime this next week, though, I’ve got exit interviews, reflection, and college logistics to take care of….


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