Monday 5/8: Essay Prep

Day #1: 5/8/2023

Program: Concentrations - Global Citizenship

Adam Radwan 

5 hours total 

Today, I began formulating my thesis and bedrock argument for my Concentrations program’s final essay on the impact of globalization on language and dialect in the developed world. This involved a holistic approach to formatting my paper somewhat between that of your typical analytical paper and a memoir of personal inquiry, as well as a well-rounded review of my experiences abroad last summer in the UK and Austria. In order to back up my hypothesis, I thus used and am incorporating the words, valuable lessons, and insight of people like my grandmother, British scholars, and American columnists to form a good consensus on the state of language at this time. At the moment, I’m pretty hard-wired on writing the essay, so not much else is really happening for me during this period besides a few upcoming exit interviews and reflections on my time in the Concentration program itself. I’m currently also seeking help from Erik Cole-Johnson, my capstone mentor, to find sources for my essay and simultaneously prepare myself for the AP French exam on Wednesday, as well as Heidi Thoma and Tom Morgan on how to approach the coming week. All in all, it’s a very laid back but productive set up that I’ve got here in the library. At least today’s been fairly relaxing in the way I’ve directed my work and writing strategies, so I can only hope it stays the same tomorrow.


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