Thursday 5/18: Immigration and College Work


Day 10: 5/18/2023

3 hours (9am-12pm)

55 hours total

It feels a bit unreal to be totally finished with the Concentrations program and subsequently, my whole academic time here at Proctor. I’ll still have to nitpick any little details for my essay that need cleaning up like citations and so on, but the true bulk and final package of my work in the program has been delivered. As a result, I’m left with a bit of time for the rest of the week to get my head down and clear out other necessary tasks for my immediate future. So, I can now use my new-found freedom of space and time to concentrate on upcoming college work, immigration document needs, and any other academic pursuits to further prepare for what’s next.Today, I studied for the upcoming June ACT and finished my CAQ application for a study visa in Canada for next year. For the ACT, this involved a ton of full section practice tests and single subject selections throught the morning. The CAQ, on the other hand, has been pretty intricate to fill in and fully apply for, as it’s my first time immigrating to another country with my own paperwork (disregarding my previous international moving sprees).


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