Wednesday 5/10: More Exam Prep and Reflections..


Day 3: 5/10/2023

6 hours (8:15am-2:15pm)

16 hours total 

Today, I continued to study for my AP French exam and began further integrating my quotes, surveys, statistics, and other evidence into my expanding rough draft. For my exams, this meant merely doing some more vocab and grammar exercises throughout the day, as it’s the primary objective for me to brush up on before actually sitting the AP exam tomorrow at 8 am. After a good two days of intensive study on each of the four major exam components, I’m feeling prepared enough to go in with both a grounded understanding of material and general vocabulary and a growing confidence in my timely writing abilities. Also, I’ve spent a good portion of today starting my narrative reflection for the whole Concentrations program throughout the last two years. It’s kind of bringing me back both to the arduous and wonderful experiences abroad I had while collecting information for this paper and my culminating documentary, as I had to remind myself of the cultural bias I hold, the viewpoint of others globally, and how that might impact my overall argument. Though I initially came into the program having everything in my head already laid down, from the people I’d interview to the specific linguistic facts I’d present, my trips to the UK and Austria have ultimately changed my own view of “objectivity” as I reflect back on the Concentrations journey throughout the end of junior and senior year. Again, today was a very plain but productive time that hopefully only further gives me clarity toward my multi-tasked projects over the rest of the week.


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