Tuesday 5/23: Wrapping Up CAQ and Nitpicking My Concentrations Paper


Day 15: 5/23/2023

6 hours (8:00am-2:00pm)

75 hours total

Submitting the CAQ application finally, as of this morning, has become an exercise in patience, as I encountered constant error messages, slow loading times, and plain malfunctions on the Quebéc government’s portal. In addition, the lack of clear and accessible information from the immigration authorities made it difficult to find answers to my questions and concerns. Navigating through multiple websites and forums in search of accurate information has been a frustrating and time-consuming task. After sending the last of my numerous forms across the border online, I went back through my Concentrations paper and video to quickly revisit any lat minute details that I might’ve missed that the AC leaders let me know of. Sometimes, when you’re stressed for time and foggy with writing excess, you can forget the minute parts of your project that could use a little of polish. Though this basically just applies to a few interchangeable concepts mentioned in the paper, my use of conventions and citations, and the length of my video, it shows that no matter how pure or effective you think your work is, more can always be done. It’s been a long Senior Project period, but finishing my Concentrations paper, video exhibition (Capstone project overall for that matter), my last academic pushes in AP’s, and some foreshadowed college work has been a great gift of time and stress-free opportunity that I haven’t taken for granted.


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