Saturday 5/20: Even More College Prep


Day 12: 5/20/2023

3 hours (9:00am-12:00pm)

63 hours total

To me, it seems that everyday the farther away I stray from Proctor and the closer the reality of college life becomes. We may be three months out, but the precautionary steps toward a successful, and, in most cases, grueling first year of universities are undoubtedly vital to the survival of every college student. As I continue to prepare for college ahead of time, I’m finding myself more and more overwhelmed both by the sheer amount of information at my fingertips and even the lack thereof. On one hand, I find myself to be very punctual and meticulous, so planning appointments, contacting future advisors and faculty, and uploading any last minute documents comes naturally at this point. On the other, though, registering for courses feels incredibly dubious and I’m personally still unfamiliar with the internal movements that college students already at my school may know about, like housing preferences, professor requests, and study spaces. Additionally, I’ll once again be a foreigner in a new country, so even as I’m still applying for my CAQ (Certificat d’Acceptance au Quebéc), I have to constantly remind myself of all the preliminary legal and social hurdles that I’ll continue to see throughout my time abroad. Though the bulk of my work here is done, more college research and preparation is the only thing I can say is keeping my head on track at this point.


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