Tuesday 5/9: French Exam Preparations and Looking Forward


Day 2: 5/9/2023

5 hours (8:00am-1:00pm)

10 hours total 

As I continue to write my Concentrations paper, I’m now settled with evidence outreach and beginning to nail down my main ideas for the essay. My sources are already annotated, and I’m getting started on crafting a six to seven page rough draft with a barebone outline but mountains of sources to comb through. I would actually say that finally having some breathing space and a refreshing lack of classes really suits my writing style, since it’s giving me more time to really clearly think through my writing approach and creative thought process. I can’t say that I’m exactly laser-focused at the moment on this paper (who ever is when it’s this nice out), but the free range with which I’m working this week makes for better, more precise, and thorough assessment performances. As such, I’m splitting my time in the Concentrations program early in the week with some more general studies for my remaining AP exams. I’m currently preparing for my AP French exam tomorrow by practicing conversational skills, short-essay exercises, and multiple-choice questions, simultaneously jotting down some notes for the upcoming AP German exam on Friday as well. Lots of studying and writing thus far, but today and tomorrow are definitely part of the final true academic push this year, so I’ll need to hit my head against a wall for just a few more days...


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